Below you will find the current versions of the HayWired Scenario Exercise Toolkit, Facilitator Tools for select exercise topics, and other materials.
Visit for information about the HayWired Scenario (including links to the reports, videos, and other resources) and an overview of the Toolkit.
HayWired Scenario Exercise Toolkit
Toolkit Contents:
- HayWired Earthquake Scenario overview & highlights of each report volume
- Developing Your Discussion-Based Exercise
- Facilitating Your Discussion-Based Exercise
- Implementing Lessons from Your Discussion-based Exercise
- Exercise Ideas Based on the HayWired Scenario (Appendix I)
- Developing Your Discussion-Based Exercise Worksheet (Appendix II)
- Implementing Lessons from Your Exercise Worksheet (Appendix III)
Facilitator Tools
Each Facilitator Tool has two documents:
- Discussion Guide: provides discussion objective and base scenario for the idea, data from the HayWired Scenario Report, sample discussion questions, and additional considerations;
- Imagery Slideset: provides maps, charts, and figures related to that idea.
These tools have been organized into the four phases of the emergency management cycle:
- Planning and Preparedness: Identifying and preparing for potential operational consequences.
- Response: Taking immediate and short-term actions to protect life & property + the transition to interim continuity of operations actions.
- Recovery: Transitioning from the interim continuity of operations actions to operating in the new post-earthquake landscape.
- Mitigation: Reducing vulnerabilities and the impacts of hazards.
Guidance for downloading: After clicking the PDF links below, click the download icon at top right (looks like a down-arrow) and choose a location to save. Do not use the “open with Google Drive” options.

Access to Data & Information
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Aftershocks & Fault Afterslips
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Building Content
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Communications & Internet
(Planning & Preparedness)
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Communications & Internet
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Employee Commutes & Residences
(Planning & Preparedness)
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Employee Retention & Staffing Shortage
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Fire After the Earthquake
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

(Planning & Preparedness)
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Mail & Package Delivery
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Mental Wellbeing
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Natural Gas
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Supply Chain & Movement of Goods
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Supply Chain & Movement of Goods
(Planning & Preparedness)
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

Wastewater & Sewers
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)

(Planning & Preparedness)
Discussion Guide (PDF)
Imagery Slideset (PDF | PowerPoint)