Welcome to Earthquake Country

Earthquake Country Alliance (ECA) is a public-private-grassroots partnership of people and organizations that work together to improve earthquake and tsunami preparedness, mitigation and resiliency.

ECA’s regional alliances, sector-based committees, and outreach bureaus develop resources and organize activities to help everyone who lives, works, or travels in earthquake country be prepared to survive and recover quickly.

Get started by following the
Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety.

Apply by 12/10: $500 ECA “Secure Your Space” Mini Awards!

Share the Gift of Safety: 25-30% Discounts on Earthquake Fasteners!

Free Webinar: How to (properly) “Secure Your Space”
(attendees will receive fastening starter kits)

Free Webinars: Resident Workplace Toolkits
(Dec 11, 12, 17; attendees will receive Toolkit and mobile app)

News and Events

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