Location: Rossmoor Event Center, 1021 Stanley Dollar Drive, Walnut Creek, 94595
This workshop held at the Rossmoor Retirement Community in Walnut Creek included presentations about earthquake hazards in the area, key issues for life after a “HayWired” earthquake, an overview of Rossmoor’s emergency preparedness efforts, and how to get free earthquake education and mitigation resources.
Dena Gunning (San Mateo Central County Fire Department), Jeff Airth (SFO Emergency Management), and Ray Bonilla (Elevance Health)
Welcome and Introductions – ECA Bay Area Coordinating Committee Chairs
Marcia McLean (Rossmoor EPO Board Member)
An Overview of Rossmoor’s Emergency Preparedness Organization (EPO)
Austin Elliott, Ph.D. (U.S. Geological Survey)
Contra Costa County Earthquake Hazards including Recent Research on the Concord Fault
Monika Stoeffl (California Resiliency Alliance) and Mark Benthien (ECA Executive Director | Statewide California Earthquake Center)
Life After HayWired: Lessons from the HayWired Scenario Exercise Toolkit
Dr. Grace Parker
Quake Break – review of recent earthquakes in the Bay Area (and elsewhere)
Mark Benthien (ECA Executive Director | Statewide California Earthquake Center at USC)
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Announcements by Participants
Workshop Presentation Slides (PDF; some content shared live by presenters may not be not included)
Brief survey (Please complete if you attended, or if you registered but could not then attend)
QUESTIONS: info@earthquakecountry.org