ECA 2024 Mini Awards Application Form

Reminder: Applications must be submitted by 12 pm (Noon) Pacific Standard Time on Friday, July 14, 2024 (CHANGE!).

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Benthien, ECA Executive Director and Mini Awards Program Manager, at

To apply for a Mini Award, complete the form below. All fields are required for a successful submission.

Organizational Information

Name of Agency, Business, Association, or Organization

Mailing Address:
(2 lines, if needed)

 State:    ZIP:

Mission or Function of Your Agency, Business, Association, or Organization (include audiences/constituencies served)

0/500 characters max

Web site

Project Leader Contact Information

Full Name:

Phone number:
E-mail address:

Organization Leader (Executive Director, Chair, President, etc.) Contact Information
(If your project is selected as an Award recipient, this is who will sign the ECA Mini Award Agreement).

Full Name:

Phone number:
E-mail address:

Package Options

Link to PDF here.

Project Information

Please describe your project (be as detailed as possible):
  • How will you make sure mitigation items are properly installed, or educational materials are effectively used?
  • How will the project improve earthquake safety and resilience (mitigation)?
  • How will it expand public awareness of earthquake hazards and risks?

0/1500 characters max

Who will this project benefit? (include known demographics and other characteristics that may distinguish your recipients)

0/500 characters max

If you have received a Mini Award before, does this proposed activity benefit the same people/location?
Yes     No     N/A

How will you evaluate the impact of your project? (include metrics such as # of items secured, # of people educated, etc., along with how you will gather feedback from participants)

0/500 characters max

Describe how you will ensure completion of your proposed activities by the deadline (November 30), including if pandemic restrictions continue?

0/500 characters max

Please review your application to ensure you’ve completed all sections in sufficient detail, before clicking the following button: